Youth really enjoy learning by doing hands on projects.  So, as we adults might be talking about history, systems and other boring "adult" speak, we have created four learning stations to keep the youth engaged:
1.  Knowing your knots!  We will have knot boards on scene with instructors who will teach the knots and then have a contest for the fastest knot tieing dude or dudeet.
2.  Can you throw a Ring Buoy?  A chance to see what it was like to learn how to use a critical life saving device.
3.  Speaking of which, can you throw a heaving line for distance and accuracy?  We will have a seahorse rigged and a chance to learn and throw for points.
4.  Are we there yet?!  Well, let's see.  Do you know how to navigate on the water?  A brief hands-on lesson on some of the basics used to naviguess your location on the high seas!